Thank you, Lily! I’m glad it was entertaining and maybe even helpful. :-) And oh yes, I do totally have that “where the word was on the page” thing — can’t remember if I put that in the article or not, but it’s definitely part of my freak superpower!
Marketing advice is the tough one, honestly…(yes, you did notice I haven’t written marketing articles!). Because my path was so random and accidental, I don’t have good advice for pursuing an intentional plan of action, especially since you don’t have a natural community that you can easily step into, in person. I haven’t used any job boards; my client list grew almost entirely through referrals (and, I might add, very slowly). I also haven’t ever used Fiverr, but I’ve heard from other folks who have; it sounds like it’s an easy way to get your feet wet, to get some experience. It doesn’t sound like a way to make a ton of money — my understanding is that people go there looking for good work done cheaply — but it might be a good place to get started and maybe make some connections. Since your income goals are modest, maybe give it a try and see what happens.
Definitely build a fantastic website, but you’re right: that’ll be for when you’ve already found a potential client and they do their homework to check you out. :-)
Good luck! Sorry I don’t have more concrete advice or help to offer. Proofing is the perfect work-at-home job, at least in my opinion; I hope you can find your way in.